Friday, February 3, 2017

OUGD505 - Studio Brief 1 - Interrogating the Brief

'You can choose any event whether or not it was organised or impromptu but it must be celebratory.'

'Consider the various techniques and processes that are available to you and their suitability for conveying or re-enforcing the ideas that you are trying to communicate.'

The brief as a whole is very open to interpretation and purposely lacking in specifics however, I believe these 2 points above hold the most significance within what is being asked of us.

The main points reiterated is that it must hold a strong celebratory factor behind a concept that re-enforces the idea of the event. The fact that 'celebrates' is incorporated into the brief so many times within such a small amount of writing suggests that this is the main point of the poster exhibition.

Therefore, I must attempt to celebrate whichever event I choose, this could be done by applying appropriate printing techniques and visually communicated content on the poster design. I could also look at not only celebrating the event, but also celebrating the era, the artistic style at that time, the organisers of the event or the subject of the event (e.g. a food festival, celebrate food as a whole).

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