Saturday, February 25, 2017

OUGD503 - Disaster Aid/Emergency Packaging - Origami Research

 Looking at Origami or traditional Japanese lanterns structures has given the project more of an insight into folded structural design. These methods could easily be transferred into flat packed structures, replacing the paper with the Kayak material seen in the blog post OUGD503 - Substantial Briefs - Foldable Kayaks Inspiration.

The lantern below uses a concertina fold in order to be extended and flattened. This folding technique would be a proven method to use for the packaging of the modular houses however, keeping them rigid and stable once extended would be the biggest issue.

Laying the structures sideways once constructed and interconnecting the hexagonal shapes together would however create triangulation and stability. This could then be reinforced with poles to create additional triangulated points of strength inside the modular pods.

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