Tuesday, January 16, 2018

OUGD603 - Brief 4 - D&AD Submission

I submitted the final project to D&AD today, aiming the brief and bio towards a white pencil award, an award which creates a positive impact to the world.

Project Bio:

The foundation of the project is a print-based publication which showcases opportunities and city-based sports activities aimed towards youth homelessness. The main concept behind the magazine is that it will be distributed by youth homeless, giving them a platform to start earning their own income and job security. It will be a relevant and up to date offline platform which will be a catalyst for propelling sport throughout city centres; including sports news and fundraising activities for the general public. Different printed editions would be produced based on location, which vary in language and content relative to each main city.

This project not only raises the public awareness of youth homelessness within city centres, but also makes a real impact to the homeless population themselves by offering job opportunities and financial stability. Youth homelessness is much more than just living on the streets, it’s usually invisible to the public eye. Much of the youth homeless population is ‘couch surfing’ or sleeping rough with no financial support from family or friends. By offering training and financial profit through the magazine vendor programme, Adidas can offer a career pathway for people on the edge of becoming homeless, with limited job opportunities available.

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