Tuesday, October 18, 2016

OUGD504 - Studio Brief 1 - Presission Printing Price & Commercial Considerations Enquiry

After speaking to Presission printing via email and enquiring about the price of producing a book, I am unsure of if this would be the correct route to take for this project. I have also got some tutor feedback that suggests that making a physical publication within the university is the desired outcome for the project. I will still take all commercial printing and manufacturing limitations and restrictions into consideration for good design practice purposes. However, this outcome seems too expensive with the small amount of books being printed.

One other idea is using my finished book made in the university as a prototype to possibly start a fund raiser campaign to have the book mass produced at a later stage. For now though, all my attention is focused on the manual production and final resolutions for the OUGD504 project.

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