- Coffee table book, Photographic display album
The target audience -
- Nostalgic British and european citizens interested in the rave movement (age 30-50)
Other possible audiences-
- Designers interested in post modern typefaces and design
- Young ravers and festival goers interested in the history of music (age 16-30)
price point-
- A large durable and quality produced book in the region of £20-£50 as the target audience will primarily be older generation and will have more disposable income
- (social groups, age groups, geographical)
How the book will be promoted -
- Blogs covering your book
- Create an advertising campaign
- Flyers inviting people to buy the book?
Where it will be distributed -
- online sales
- Independant bookstores
- Sold in clubs? Flyers handed out in clubs?
- Ebay
How it will be distributed -
- Post
- Hand delivered to various bookstores
Other Considerations -
- Understand and investigate the limitations of the facilities at college
- Book printing and binding slots and work backwards create a time sheet
- Proof read and pass along to other people to read
- Mock ups and prototypes how will it be bound and what is the page count get it right!
- Explore how these processes will work with experimentation
- Have it completed before the deadline to get the book photographed professionally
- Multiple instances of peer and tutor feedback and documented and analysed
- Consider an awareness of how the book will be produced commercially
- Consider how will you capture the target audience?
- How will they engage with the book, how will you capture their attention?
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