Wednesday, October 7, 2015

OUGD403 - Map of Leeds

For this brief we were placed into groups and asked to create a map of Leeds, plotting various landmarks and buildings onto the map. The group discussed various different ideas and started off taking photographs of the various landmarks. We also came across the idea to paint the map on a wooden board and use pins to attach the photographs of the landmarks and descriptions. This idea slowly drifted out as we decided that we would like to take a more digital approach. The finished map is included below which integrated logo design, layout, descriptions and map design using a wacom tablet. The blue and yellow lines which plot locations were printed on a separate piece of tracing paper and attached to the top.

I helped with the descriptions and layout and we completed that as a group but personally i completed the First Direct arena logo and the O2 Arena logo.

The First Direct Arena logo was heavily inspired by the shape and colour of the architecture of the building. Personally, I have a lot of admiration towards architecture and it was really nice to be able to collaborate the design of the building into the logo. I used the pen and path tool to create a vector in the shape of a panel on the building and then used various different blend modes to get the paneled effect.
For the second logo I used shape and line to create the main design and then added some text and applied tracking to the letters.

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