Sunday, January 3, 2016

OUGD405 - Study Task 3 - Public Information Video/Research

For study task 3, I chose to analyse the public information film 'Robbie - Trains'.

The issue which the information film tries to address is the danger of railway lines and directs the advertisement towards young children. The typography and font choice which the film chooses to use is very immature and applicable to the readability of primary school children. The choice of main actors in the film is also a strong indication of who the target audience is directed towards as it makes the film relatable towards people of similar age.

The music and sound effects of the video hold a strong presence towards foreshadowing the events ahead. The first few minutes of sound hold hope for the young boy and create an emotional connection between the viewer and Robbie's future. The commentator also states that the boy has a bright talent in football which gives even more optimism for his future career, in retrospect, we can see that this foreshadows the boy loosing his legs. However, the music soon changes to add suspense to the situation, the on and off up tempo quick beat startles and shocks the viewer.

I also feel that the commentator has been carefully selected as his voice is very clear and informative however, his tone of voice is quite sinister. The short film holds 1980's unpolitically incorrect features  which would not be allowed in informational films today. The police bringing the boys empty football boots to his mother after the incident and bluntly leaving to put the kettle on is one of the many incidents which would not be allowed in videos today.

The fact that the boy loves trains delivers the message that no matter how well you think you know something, no one is completely safe, this is solidified as the commentator explains that even the professionals and tramline workers get injured. They also want to get across that these situations can cause mental damage as well as physical by showing the family members psychologically damaged.

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