Tuesday, March 29, 2016

OUGD404 - Studio Brief 2 - Advanced Digital Designs

These designs have developed from my previous sketch and has been deigned in a 12 inch by 12 inch file to fit into the 12 inch vinyl design. The centre of each design is an actual vinyl label specific to each of the DJs. I am really happy in the direction which this project has been developed however, I feel there is still lots of tweaking which needs to be done to the layout of the designs. For example, The text starts to look really distorted the closer that it gets to the edges of the page, I need to experiment in different ways to resolve this issue. I am also unsure about the curved lines and the middle of the designs takes consistency away from the pages. The typesetting of each page is also extremely time consuming and hard to polish and I am afraid that it will be inconsistent across 10 pages.

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